www.wurbanskiconsulting.com – on this link I will atach data from stock exchange on 1.09.2015 I ‚m gonna start NEW!

www.wurbanskiconsulting.com – on this link I will atach data from stock exchange on 1.09.2015 I ‚m gonna start NEW!

www.wurbanskiconsulting.com  –  on this link I will atach data from stock exchange on 1.09.2015 I ‚m gonna start

It will look like this memo from the stock exchange on  the 9-10.07.2014 week

Polish stock exchange, European Markets and US main Market S&P 500 and Nasdaq and DJIA:

14.30 hours –
CNBC -Stock Exchange, American Market, DJIA , NASDAQ
Information gathered:
– Home Furnishing is going down, 1.3%- 2.5 %
– Home improvement on hold – improvement in jobs, more income more benefits in home improvement
– Brent Crude 108$
– Stocks supposed to be bullish in short term
-Chevron high 130$/ share
– Dow Leaders: Verizon, Intel, Boeing,
– Where to put your money: Chevron, Sounthern Co., Baxter Intl.
– Biopharmaceuticals lower quoted
– Russell 2000 – 0.57% lower
– Intel , Microsoft, higher for about 1.5 %

Stock exchange, American Market, DJIA, NASDAQ, S&P :
14.30 –
– Industrial’s , Tech Lead,
– Leaders DJIA General Electric, Verizon, Goldman Sachs,
– Laggards: Chevron, Exxon Mobil, Johnson& Johnson
– S& P Leaders : XEROX, Western Digital, Lorilland Intl.
Wells Fargo 0.68% lower,
– Lorilland Intl. 4.33% higher
Close up a week.

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