NEW! On summer holidays I will start analysing the stock exchange NEW!

NEW! On summer holidays I will start analysing the stock exchange NEW!

NEW! On summer holidays I will start analysing the stock exchange NEW!

I hope to actualize the new data upcoming from the international stock exhange from 9.07.2014 to September 2014 to 9.09.2014 on this website.

I will gather information from the websites Reuters and from CNBC Channel American Stock Exchange channel.
These data maybe needed to see the stock exchange trends.

Wojciech Urbanski, Wojciech Z. Urbanski – Internal Auditor to the Quality Management, Marketing Manager, Actor, Finance Analyst and Specialist, Attorney to the Quality Management.

These data will be needed to join one of the companies, for example :
PWC – Price Waterhouse Coopers, States Street or Cap Gemini, or Lufthansa , Ernst & Young or Deloitte or IBM or one of other companies.

I will play , try to find the way to play scetches on summer holidays at Psychoterapy, this will be the first step to be an actor in USA in time – „Psychoterapy Seson 9 – the best – Rise of Wojciech Urbanski”

JUST KEEP PLAYING – Wojciech Z. Urbanski – Wojciech Urbanski

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