„Greed is good – Greed Works” motto of the Stock Exchange Investors

„Greed is good – Greed Works” motto of the Stock Exchange Investors

„Greed is good – Greed Works” motto of the Stock Exchange Investors

What gives us great opportunity to develop our lives, Greed, It always works, no matter what you have you want more. Defining words of Kalwin, religion of Switzerland, protestant, it is always good to expand our money , what we are possesing and more what more we can earn to succeed for us , our lives and for our families and our children.
Greed is describing us, what we think in our lives, and defines our future.

„Greed is Good” quoted from Wall Street – Money never sleeps 2010 – Michael Douglas
Be Inside of the World – it defines us and gives us power to succeed

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