Bel Air Alike – Genius from South Jarosław, like me NEW!

Bel Air Alike – Genius from South Jarosław, like me NEW!

3.08.2014 Summer holidays before studies

Like Bel Air in California nearby Beverly Hills – Will Smith played in Prince of Bel Air – I’m  Genius from South Jarosław – Wojciech Urbanski – IQ 250 – I did tests from Wechsler’s 2 levels in 10 seconds and other mathematics and logic tests with no mistake.
Playing in the Movie like Will Smith – Prince of Bel Air California in South Jarosław, suburbs – Kolonia Oficerska (me – Wojciech Z. Urbanski)  I hope to play the best scetches to be filmed in USA in next years, for staying in New York, Boston, L.A. Los Angeles California in the Future and obtaining Green Card Visa and attending to the Actors Studio New York in Next years.

Your Idol Wojciech Z. Urbański, Wojciech Urbanski, your friend Wojtek U.

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